Be better no less


Government mandated restrictions due to COVID-19 apply so training will be reduced for your safety

COVID-19 Information

To comply with COVID-19 regulations, we will operate in the following way. We will provide training to greatest extent possible but we apologise for any inconvenience caused by reduced training due to these government mandated restrictions.


Reduced timetable

We will be offering a reduced timetable based on demand and the relevant restrictions. We will regularly review the classes we are offering to ensure maximum numbers don’t impact on any social distancing requirements. The timetable will also allow for cleaning between classes.



After every class and before the next, the mats and common areas will be cleaned with disinfectant to prevent the spread of the virus. At least 30 minutes will be allowed for this.

Entering class

Please do not arrive early for classes as you will not be allowed to congregate before training. Your temperature will be checked when you enter and you will be asked to place your bag away from others. You will then be directed to an allocated training space on the mats. Please maintain social distancoing at all times.

During training

Your coach will explain the safety restrictions at the start of your class and will answer any questions you may have about this.

At current, all adult classes will be restricted to solo training or training between members. of the same household / support bubble. Coaches must maintain social distancing at all times.

As children’s extra-curricula activities are exempt from gathering restrictions, children’s classes will be limited to 15 participants but mixing within the class will be permitted. Coaches may not come into contact with more than one group of children.

Coaches may come into contact to demonstrate techniques but time spent within close contact must be limited where possible.

After Training

Please gather your belongings and leave promptly. Students may not stay after class for social time.


Be Better No Less

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Unit 9 Shrub Hill Ind Est


